[Award] T. Derrien received 2018 peer review “Publons” award “Top 1%”

Publons Award Top1% Derrien 2018

Publons Award Top1% Derrien 2018

T. Derrien was awarded with Publons.com award for “the top 1% of reviewers in each field who performed the most verified pre-publication peer reviews on Publons for the 2018 global Peer Review Awards.”

This emphasizes the high involvment of scientists into the evaluation process for increasing the quality of science. It also acknowledges the high curiosity and the altruistic qualities that are required for a peer-review process of quality.

On Publons.com website, the award is described as follows.

“The top 1% of reviewers in each of the 22 Essential Science Indicators (ESI) research fields. Rankings are calculated by number of verified pre-publication reviews performed and added to Publons between 1 September 2017 and 1 September 2018. Reviews were attributed to a ESI field based on the journal the review was performed for. We added a 23rd field, “Assorted”, to celebrate reviewers whose contributions were for the small amount of journals on Publons could not be directly matched to an ESI field.

We used the ESI field categorisation because these are broad research areas that align with the Web of Science — the most trusted citation index for scientific and scholarly research.”

More details here. 


After the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship

Application for permanent position

In early January 2018, I applied for a CNRS Junior Researcher position (Section 04/03: atoms, molecules, plasmonics) and reached the last stage of selection: oral presentations. Over 88 submitted applications, 33 people were interviewed. Only 10 people were kept in the priority list, where only 1 person got permanent position at CNRS.

Accepted MSCA RISE project proposal

In early 2018, I participed in drafting a RISE Marie Curie proposal named ATLANTIC. It has been selected for funding on June 18th. We are preparing the Grant Agreement phase. The project counts 13 partners in the world and an average budget of 950,000 € including 100,000 € for Hilase Centre for training young scientists in advanced theoretical modeling for laser-matter interaction. More details will be given when Grant Agreement will be signed.

Submitted a Czech proposal

In April 2018, we submitted jointly with Prof. Gurevich (RUB, Germany) and Dr. Yoann Levy (HiLASE Centre, Czech Republic) a joint DFG/GAČR proposal where both Prof. Gurevich and Dr. Derrien are principal investigators.

Accepted conference proceeding

In June 2018, a joint conference proceeding on the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in lossy materials was accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: IOP conference series (IOP).

Accepted publication with Jena University

In July 2018, we submitted a joint research publication with Dr. Stephan Gräf from Jena University. This publication was promised in the MSCA QuantumLaP final report.
It is now accepted for publication in Materials, Impact factor 2.7.

Preparation of several publications

Several publications promised in the final report are under preparation. Stay tuned!

Future plans

Preparation of ERC starting grant is on the way.

Seminar at HiLASE: Toward controlling the regularity of laser induced periodic surface structures on metal/metalized surfaces

ChillingInTheLabAfter having reported these results in international conferences (AES 2017 South Korea, COLA 2017 France, Ultrafast Optics 2017 Moscow), having been published in Czech public media (Novinky.cz, Technical Weekly CZ, Ceske Televize 24), it was time to report this success story at the HiLASE Centre (FZU Prague). The seminar duration was 45 minutes and the time was shared between T.J.-Y. Derrien, Y. Levy and I. Mirza.

Seminar abstract is available on the HiLASE website: PDF.

Joining by 70% the Theory Group of Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD, Hamburg)

In line with the WP 3 of the Marie Curie project QuantumLaP, T. J.-Y. Derrien is joining the group of Prof. Angel Rubio from March 1st 2018 to develop further the quantum theory of laser-matter interaction. He will be spending 70% of his time in the Theory Group of Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter (Hamburg) and supporting the HiLASE (Prague) activities by 30% of the time.

Lectures of Plasmonics at the Bochum University

Bochum UniversityDr T. J.-Y. Derrrien has been invited by Bochum University (Germany) to provide 30 hours of lectures on the topic of Plasmonics, as a block-lecture course for the Erasmus Mundus Master program named “Laser Technologies and Photonics.” A written exam is planned in early March and about 10 people are expected.

Our predictions on laser nanostructuring have been promoted in the public media

14th November 2017 Technical Weekly, Prague.

This Tuesday 14th of November 2017, several articles were published in the media of Czech Republic on our research findings.

  1. An interview of Prof. N. M. Bulgakova and Dr. T. Derrien has been published in Technical Weekly on the 14th of November 2017. This public review aims to inform citizens of Czech Republic on the latest public news about research and technology. It is mostly read by people from research and industry. A snapshot of the printed article is provided. The website only provides the first sentences of the article.
  2. The same interview has also generated a second full length article (in Czech) available on the website of Czech Television (Ceska Televize), the most important public funded channel in the Czech Republic. The Google Translation though reveals some inaccuracies, which could emerge from the automatic translation. As we didn’t get the chance to authorize the final version of the article, a list of inaccuracies is provided below.
  3. The news was also republished by Novinky.cz, 7th-8th most visited website in the Czech Republic (according to Alexa).
  4. Finally HiLASE also republished the article in Czech (link to the article) on the laboratory web page.

List of mistakes identified in the article of Czech Television.

  • The original discovery of the large area processing at such level of regularity was demonstrated by the group of Jan Siegel and Javier Solis in CSIC Madrid, Spain (Optics Letters 2014). The limit of this study was found in the treated material: only Chromium could exhibit regular structures in the regime of removing matter with laser (named “ablation regime”).
  • The novelty of our study lies in the theoretical model, which predicts the possibility to obtain high regularity on a large amount of metals as the experimentally observed regularity was successfully correlated with the distance on which some surface electromagnetic waves travel at the surface of the laser-irradiated metal.
  • The contribution from our italian colleagues is found in the realization of the series of experiments performed on 6 metals, which support the theoretical analysis and theoretical predictions.
  • The head of HiLASE is Dr. Tomas Mocek (see the page of staff on HiLASE website). Note that this mistake was introduced by Google Translate, and not by the authors.

Report of the EU project QuantumLaP was submitted!

We are happy to announce that our Marie Curie (H2020, EU) project “QuantumLaP” has now reached its maturity. The final report of the Marie Curie funding has been submitted on the 31st of October, after 2 years of great support from Marie Skolodowska Curie Actions for a total of 147,000 € over 2 years.

Since the 1st of September, main researcher of this project belongs to the
BIATRI project of Prof. Bulgakova (HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics, Czech Republic) in the position of:

Senior Researcher in the group of Laser nanostructuring at HiLASE, Prague, Czech Republic

He is also

Visiting post-doc scientist in the group of Prof. Angel Rubio
Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany


Visiting researcher giving lectures at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
in Plasmonics
Bochum, Germany

Invited talk at the Ultrasfast Optics conference, Lebedev Institute, Moscow

Nobel Prize laureates who have worked in Lebedev Institute, Moscow.

Nobel Prize laureates who have worked in Lebedev Institute, Moscow.

I was honoured to give an invited oral presentation (30 min) at the Ultrafast Optics conference held at the Lebedev Institute, Moscow. The audience at this conference was truly exceptional. The impact of the talk was excellent and the questions from the audience were very constructive. Many thanks to Prof. Uryupin and to Prof. Kudryashov for the organization.

Title of the presentation: Surface Plasmon Polaritons: their properties for different metals and the constitutive role in ultrafast laser processing.
Authors: T. J.-Y. Derrien¹, J. Bonse², Y. Levy¹, I. Gnilitskyi³, L. Orazi³, T. Mocek¹, N. M. Bulgakova¹
¹HiLASE Centre, Dolní Břežany, Institute of Physics AS CR, Za Radnici 828/5, 25241 Dolni Brezany, Czech Republic
²Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Unter den Eichen 44-46, 12203 Berlin, Germany
³DISMI – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Our new publication is in Scientific Reports!

We are happy to announce the publication of our manuscript entitled “High-speed manufacturing of highly regular laser-induced periodic surface structures on metals: physical origin of the regularity.” to the journal Scientific Reports of the Nature Publishing Group.

In the paper, we at HiLASE developed the theory of surface plasmon polaritons for materials irradiated by intense laser light, and our co-authors in University of Modena (Italy) prepared laser-induced periodic surface structures at high throughput, competitive with other existing methods of lithography. Novelty of the study lies in the accuracy of the description that could be made a large range of materials, where the laser-induced nanostructures will be highly regular for developing nanostructure demanding applications. The study also reveals that reducing the wavelength of the laser may improve the regularity for seemingly any material. We hope this paper will help the large community of scientists and engineers working in this field to reach a better control of their laser-induced nanostructures in future.

Link to the paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-08788-z

Official press release: http://www.hilase.cz/en/thibault-derrien-and-yoann-levy-published-in-scientific-reports/