Thibault JY Derrien, leader of the group of Quantum Dynamics of Systems at IT4I (VSB-TUO University of Ostrava) and of the group of Ultrafast Photonics at FZU Institute of Physics, gave an interview of 30 minutes to Expat Center of Ostrava, mandated by the Laboratory of Quantum Computing of IT4I, University of Ostrava (VSB).

The interview is available on Youtube at the following address:

A small description I could not validate has been added aside.
“Thibault might just be the coolest researcher you’ll ever meet! When he’s not deep in quantum computing, lasers, and nanostructuring, he’s out surfing, hiking, and traveling the world. Oh, and did we mention he’s also a drummer in multiple jazz projects, namely the mommy_issues_band? 🤭 Beyond the complex science, Thibault is all about breaking the stereotypical scientist mold. He thrives on meeting new people, afterall this is what kickstarted his career as a senior researcher. Come learn more about what is it like to be a scientist in Czech Republic!”

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